Peace of Mind Framework in Action, Meet Sam!

1.Connect and Discover:
Sam's Story and Goals

Background: Sam is a 25-year-old with ASD, intellectual disability, epilepsy, and bipolar disorder. He lives in his own supported accommodation, receiving 2:1 24/7 care.

Goals: Sam's main goal is physical fitness, with a focus on swimming and long walks. He enjoys routine and familiarity, and his goals are centred around

community access and involvement in activities aligned with his interests.

Personality: Fun, cheeky, outgoing when you get to know him

Skills/interests previously: Swimming, Bounce, fun, music, movies, cooking shows

2. Plan and Create:
What did we do to support Sam?

Care Plan: We implemented a person-centred approach, considering Sam's non-verbal communication style and specific needs. The team include a Case Manager, PBS Specialist, a Lead Support Worker and Support Workers. With the extended team of his mum, sister, and Support Coordinator.

Unique Care: The care plan involved a Positive Behaviour Therapist who was able to identify triggers and implement unique strategies for Sam's support team.

3. Advocate and Evolve:
How are we advocating to improve Sam’s quality of life?

Previously, Sam's behaviours of concern were too much in public situations for his previous provider, but by identifying his unique triggers, his Support Workers were able to introduce him to the public pool.

The weekly swimming trips to the public pool, lead to significant improvements in Sam's physical fitness and mental wellbeing. He was then able to attend more outings on a regular basis, like bowling, and an animal farm with guidance from his support workers.

4. Demonstrate and Measure:
How do we make sure we are accountable?

Outcome Measurement: We measured outcomes by observing the reduction in escalated behaviours of concern, improved physical health, and Sam's engagement in activities. Regular swimming sessions and exposure to new environments were key indicators of success.

Communication: Rob, the Support Worker Team Leader, played a crucial role in communication. He documented progress, shared updates, and highlighted both positive outcomes and manageable behaviours of concern. Information was communicated with the family through Ellisa, his Positive Behaviour Therapist.

5. Review and Learn:
How are we helping Sam continue to reach his goals?

Future Strategies: The plan is to continue with successful strategies, ensuring consistency with the team. The team will explore new activities and environments based on Sam's interests, with the aim of making incremental improvements in his quality of life.

We also aim to discover more of what makes Sam laugh!


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