People are at the centre of everything we do.
We're always looking for ways to better your experience.
If you have any suggestions, comments, or feedback, we'd love to hear from you.
How to provide feedback
In person: Speak to your SACARE site manager, service delivery officer or support worker.
By phone: Call us at 1300 145 636 and ask to speak with our "National Feedback Officerโ. Deaf, hard of hearing, or speech-impaired community members can use the National Relay Service at 133 677 (TTY/voice calls), 1300 555 727 (speak & listen), or 0423 677 767 (SMS relay).
Email: Send an email to feedback@sacare.com.au
Online: Complete the online Feedback form below
Post: Download the Feedback form below and send to SACARE, PO BOX 211, Prospect SA 5082.
Additional Resources
If you're an NDIS participant, you can also make a complaint directly to the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission by calling 1800 035 554 (TTY 133 677; interpreters can be arranged) or visiting their website at www.ndiscommission.gov.au. You can also speak directly to the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) by calling 1800 800 110 or visiting their website at www.ndis.gov.au.
For further support, there are many advocacy agencies that may guide you as well. If you'd like help, you can reach out to the National Disability Advocacy Program at disabilityadvocacy@dss.gov.au or write to: Disability, Employment and Carers Group, Department of Social Services, GPO Box 9820, Canberra ACT 2601.
Download our Feedback form
Prefer to print and write? Click below to download a printable version
of our Feedback form.
Submit your feedback online
Click below to submit your feedback via our convenient online Feedback form.