Chloe Kempe's 2021 Wrap up

2021 was another unpredictable year, but how do we ever know what is just around the corner?  Throughout the year we have celebrated our people, successes and managed to have a whole lot of fun along the way!

We have welcomed a staggering 280 new staff members to our team. We now employ 700 South Australians throughout metro Adelaide providing services to clients in the community, supported accommodation and allied health services. This is a milestone we are exceptionally proud of! The consistent growth of the team is a result of growth of our services. We are excited to announce our expansion to the south coast and have a new southern home, the Fleurieu Hub, located in Victor Harbor. The building is undergoing a facelift and upgrade to spread the sacare sparkle to the coast where we will host an official launch in the new year!

At the beginning of this year we committed to reconnecting with our community. We persevered and navigated the restrictions to successfully hold more events than we ever have before. We hosted an 80’s themed quiz night, a Lawn Bowls Day, a Paralympics themed day with activities and we celebrated the International Day of People with Disability with a brunch featuring some inspiring speakers. We sprinkled some smaller get togethers across our supported accommodation and held interactive sessions at head office for our team. Have a peek at all the fun here.

The team attended endless networking events and expos to grow our connections with like minded organisations, that share our values and vision for people living with a disability. We held our inaugural sacare Connect in March and a further 4 throughout the year. This event series has received excellent feedback, become very popular within the sector and was made extra special by the exceptional partners who presented, and the dozens of support coordinators who attended. We will continue these informative events in 2022 and have already secured some unique and motivational services to showcase, so keep an eye out for your invitation.

We established our Client Advisory Committee, who meet bi-monthly to provide important feedback on delivery of services, share their thoughts on continuous improvement and collaborate with design of new services. The committee comprises of clients from our Supported Independent Living Accommodation, In-Home Community care and family members. Their feedback and lived experience is invaluable, and we thank them for their contribution and informing our leadership team.

Our largest event, and my personal favourite, was held in October, when we celebrated everything and everyone sacare. It is the highlight of the year seeing all of our clients and staff relaxing, celebrating together and most importantly DANCING. The theme for this was ‘Friday the 13th’, and the efforts that everyone made in their costume did not disappoint. If you’d like to have a little insight to how we party, you can watch the event video here. 

As 2021 comes to an end, I would like to thank our entire team from The Executive and Head Office team to our Support Workers, Nurses, Allied Health practitioners, Allied Health Assistants and Thrive workers.  We cannot continue to deliver our services without the commitment and dedication of each and every one of the team. A very special congratulations to everyone who has welcomed babies in 2021.  

To our clients, families and stakeholders – we wish you a very Merry Christmas and safe and happy New Year.  We are confidently racing into 2022 and enthusiastic about embracing everything the new year has to offer!

Have a safe and happy holiday period,
We look forward to seeing you in the new year.

Best wishes,
Chloe Kempe


Media Release: SACARE's Victor Harbor Hub Grand Opening


International Day of People With Disability: Lucy's Story