International Day of People With Disability: Lucy's Story

Today it's International Day of People With Disability! We wanted to share a story that highlights the power support workers can have on those living with a disability. Lucy may have a visual impairment but she doesn't talk about her disability in this video because that's not what defines her... instead, her bubbly personality and spirit shines through with the support from her sacare support workers.

Lucy discovered early in life that Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP), a hereditary condition, is a group of rare, genetic disorders that involve a breakdown and loss of cells in the retina. In 2007 Lucy noticed her eyesight was deteriorating and realised that, after watching her mother and cousin suffer from this condition, she too effected. RP may have impacted her sight, but definitely not her spirit. Lucy’s enthusiasm for life, love and laughter is evident within seconds of meeting her.

From model, to actress to security guard, this hilarious, formidable and entertaining woman knows how to look after herself – and she has the certificates for karate, taekwondo, kickboxing, aikido and judo to prove it. But as Lucy’s sight deteriorated she realised she needed support to help her live her vibrant life to the fullest, so she called on the services of sacare to provide in-home help. Lucy has been using sacare’s in-home services for the past three years, and loves having close bonds with her carers.

‘In the beginning we all had to get to know each other, and now my support workers are like my family. I call Ellen ‘Ate’ (pronounced ‘Artay’), which is Filipino for sister, and Jarrad is like my son.’

The day Lucy was interviewed, she was heading out to have some photographs taken, and we watched her gather up Hazel (her guide dog), along with Ellen, Jarrad and the photographer and bustle them out the door ready for a big day lucy’s story of adventures. ‘This is like your entourage’ and it's true – gathering these people around her is more than just ‘employing a service’ for Lucy – it’s living her very full, exuberant and passionate life, on her terms.

'I just love the fact that I have Ellen and Jarrad are here with me, we have so much fun. They support me at home, and when we’re out they’re helping me, but they’re also on board with whatever we get up to – they make it fun and fabulous.' - Lucy (sacare client in the community).

Watch the video below.

For more details about our in-home care and community services visit this page. 


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